Learn to Build AR Apps with ARKit

Augmented reality is going to change how people interact in digital worlds and between digital and physical environments. Apple’s ARKit provides developers with a powerful framework to create immersive AR applications. This tutorial introduces ARKit and guides you in building simple AR apps.

What Is ARKit and How Does It Power Augmented Reality

ARKit is Apple’s augmented reality framework that enables developers to build AR experiences for iOS devices. It brings together the combination of computer vision, motion tracking, and real-world scene analysis in order to replicate digital content on physical surroundings.

Key Features of ARKit

  • World Tracking: It detects real-world movement using the camera and motion sensors.
  • Plane Detection: It recognizes horizontal and vertical surfaces for placing AR objects.
  • Face Tracking: The TrueDepth camera enables AR applications to track facial movements.
  • Light Estimation: Let the virtual object adjust according to the real lighting of the place.

How to Set up ARKit Development

To create an AR app, a developer needs:


  • A Mac-Running on the Latest Xcode.
  • An iOS Device-ARkit Supported iPhone 6s or Later Version.
  • Swift- Familiarity with Basics

Installation Steps

  1. Download and Install Xcode from the Mac App Store.
  2. Open Xcode and Create a New Project. Choose an Augmented Reality App
  3. SceneKit or RealityKit FOR Rendering AR Contents.
  4. Build and run your app onto a real device to test the AR.

Learn How to Build a Simple Augmented Reality App

Import ARKit into Your Project

import ARKit

import SceneKit

Set Up an AR SceneView

let sceneView = ARSCNView(frame: self.view.frame)


Configure an AR Session

let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()


Add a Virtual Object

let sphere = SCNSphere(radius: 0.1)

let material = SCNMaterial()

material. diffuse.contents = UIColor.red

sphere.materials = [material]

let node = SCNNode(geometry: sphere)

node.position = SCNVector3(0, 0, -0.5)


Best Ways to Create Amazing AR Apps Using ARKit

Optimize Performance

Use lightweight 3D assets and efficient rendering techniques to enhance AR app performance.

Ensure User Safety

Design AR interactions that encourage users to remain aware of their surroundings to prevent accidents.

Test on Real Devices

Always test AR applications on physical devices, as the simulator does not fully support ARKit features.


ARKit makes developing easier for beginners by creating an immersive experience. You will have engaging AR applications for iOS devices by following best practices and leveraging the powerful features of ARKit. Start simple and then build your way up to more advanced AR functionalities to enhance your development skills in AR.